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Around Cox’s Bazar

Since 1994, in an effort to attract more tourists, the government began construction of a road along the beach from Cox’s Bazar to Teknaf. The project is particularly controversial because of the deforestation caused along the way. As of late 1995 it had reached beyond Himachari Beach. In the process, a bridge has been constructed over the Rezu River, making it possible for the first time to drive entirely on the beach from Cox’s Bazar to Teknaf. A 4WD car is required.

 The evergreen and semi-evergreen tropical rainforest bordering this stretch of beach is still some to the best in the country, despite the recent heavy pressure from the Rohingya refugees and others who have settled in the area. This forest is home to a wealth of planet and animal life. Bird-watching, especially in the patches of forest on the low hills running off the beach just south of Cox’s Bazar and around Teknaf, should reveal quite a number of interesting species, including are the white-crested laughing thrush, orange bellied flower pecker, the peacock pheasant and trogans in addition to a geat number of migratory species. The staff at the District Forestry Office in Cox’s Bazar are happy to give more information. 
Inani Beach
Inani Beach, one of Bangladesh’s claims to fame, is considered the world’s longest and broadest beach: 180m at its narrowest at high tide and 300m at low tide. Even here, some 30 km south of Cox’s Bazar, it’s not completely deserted, so don’t be surprised if you attract a small audience.There’s a Forestry Department Guest House right on the beach, just south of Inani Beach, with fine views of the sea. It has three guest rooms plus common facilities; the coast Tk 300 a room or Tk 1500 fro the entire guest-house. You have to take your  own food and the facilities are limited, but it is furnished. Get permission from the District Forestry Office in Cox’s Bazar, West of the bus stand area just of Sea Beach Rd.To get here, take a Teknaf bus and get off at Court Bazar (30 km), a tiny village tow km before Ukhia. From there you can find rickshaws or maybe a tempo to take you west to the beach, which is 10 km away. If you’re headed for the guesthouse, ask the rickshaw driver to let you off at the tiny villeage of Sonarpara, which is on the beach and half way to Inani. From there you must walk south until you reach the guesthouse. Transport should not be difficult to find since locals use this route to gets to nearby villages.Alternatively, hire a jeep from Cox’s Bazar to take you directly to Inani using the scenic beach route.